Site icon Shirley Fessel

New Transforming Service


The author of the acclaimed and proven workbook, Redemption from Biblical Battering, is now offering a customized Intention Process program for you.

Based on the same process she used to escape religious abuse from her ministerial husband without guilt, Shirley combines her counseling skills with an effective approach to transforming negative, subconscious messages that are still operating even though you escaped  marriage to a coercive controller.

Using Bible passages as well as Christ’s insights, you will work individually with her to root out beliefs formed when young that subjected you to misuse.

Stop the Spin Cycle Based on ability to pay, each participant receives

– A way to uncover and identify harmful core beliefs An individualized program to transform these beliefs into positive directions
-A curated collection of issue-specific denials and affirmations
– An individualized recording of statements for your use Our thoughts created our perceptions; our perceptions create our experiences.

This dynamic understanding of the creative power of faith through thoughts and words grows a new direction as small as a mustard seed into a sheltering tree to build a new life experience.

Too many women are still plagued by emotional pain, their thoughts of the harm they suffered living rent free in their heads. They have not fully escaped. Or they are drawn to a new predator’s tactics.

Don’t let that be you! Contact me here to arrange to explore if this would benefit you!

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